Commencement Information
Save the date for Commencement 2025: Saturday May 10, 2025
The ceremony that connects me to the largest alumni society in the world!
Commencement FAQs
Are there dress requirements for students participating in Commencement?
Students are required to wear academic regalia (cap and gown) for the ceremony. Academic regalia can be purchased in the Campus Bookstore.
Regalia will not be available on the day of Commencement.
How many guest tickets will I receive?
Typically, each graduate received seven guest tickets. If there is the opportunity to offer additional tickets, the Registrar will notify graduates.
When can I get my tickets?
In mid-April, the Registrar will notify students who have completed the Commencement Ceremony Participating Graduate Registration Form that their tickets are ready for pick up.
If you have other questions about the ceremony, please contact Mont Alto Registrar Jeff Gable at